Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1933-2020
Photograph by Sebastian Kim--AUGUST for TIME
Visions of Equity
Artwork by Jordan Casteel
George Floyd - Justice Not Yet For All
Artwork by Ange Hillz
Rep. John Lewis 1940-2020
Steve Schapiro Getty Images
Analogous Colors
Painting by Titus Kaphar for TIME
The Overdue Awakening
Photograph by Devin Allen
America Must Change Time Cover
Painting by Charly Palmer - Photograph by Travis Grissom
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portrait for TIME by Hank Willis Thomas and Digital Domain
TIME 100 - BLM Women
Photograph by Kayla Reefer for TIME
2020 Guardians of the Year - Assa Traore
Photograph by Kenny Germe Total Management
America's Storyteller
Photograph by Wayne Lawrence for TIME